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Application of polymer preparation unit in sewage treatment process


The application of polymer preparation units in sewage treatment is multifaceted, and they play a crucial role in different stages of treatment. Here are some specific application examples:

Pre treatment stage: In this stage, the polymer preparation unit can be used to add coagulants to help remove suspended solids and large particulate impurities from the wastewater, laying the foundation for subsequent treatment.

Biochemical treatment stage: The polymer preparation unit can add nutrients such as carbon and nitrogen sources in this stage to support the growth and activity of microorganisms and promote the decomposition of organic matter.

Denitrification and phosphorus removal stage: In this stage, the polymer preparation unit is used to accurately add the carbon source required for denitrification (such as methanol) and the volatile fatty acids required for biological phosphorus removal (such as acetic acid), as well as the alkalinity agent required for pH adjustment.

Chemical phosphorus removal stage: The polymer preparation unit adds metal salts (such as iron salts, aluminum salts) and polymers during this stage to promote the chemical precipitation of phosphorus, thereby removing it from wastewater.

Deep processing stage: In this stage, the polymer preparation unit can add disinfectants, oxidants, etc. to remove difficult to biodegrade organic matter, color, odor, and heavy metals.

Sludge treatment: During the sludge dewatering process, the polymer preparation unit can automatically add the required chemicals to improve the efficiency of sludge dewatering.

PH adjustment: The polymer preparation unit can also be used to adjust the pH value of wastewater to meet the requirements of discharge standards or subsequent treatment processes.

Industrial wastewater treatment: In industrial wastewater treatment, polymer preparation units can automatically adjust the dosage ratio and treatment process parameters according to the characteristics of the wastewater, achieving effective treatment of the wastewater.

Municipal sewage treatment: In municipal sewage treatment plants, polymer preparation units can be used to improve the quality of effluent and achieve automatic dosing of chemicals during sludge dewatering.

Rural domestic sewage treatment: The fully polymer preparation unit can be applied to rural domestic sewage treatment facilities to achieve on-site treatment and standard discharge.

Application of polymer preparation unit in sewage treatment process


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