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How to choose the appropriate dosage of PAM based on water quality?


Choosing the appropriate dosage of PAM requires consideration of multiple factors, including water quality, sludge properties, treatment objectives, etc. Here are some key steps and considerations:

Determine PAM type: select the appropriate PAM type based on water quality conditions. Anionic type is suitable for wastewater flocculation, sedimentation, etc; Cationic type is suitable for flocculation, sedimentation, decolorization, and organic sludge dewatering in complex water bodies; Non ionic type is suitable for soil water retention, coagulation of weakly acidic wastewater, etc.

Experimental trial: Before practical application, conduct experimental trials to determine the most suitable PAM model and dosage. The most suitable PAM model can be selected by observing factors such as floc size, floc moisture content, and the uniformity of mixing between polyacrylamide and sludge.

How to choose the appropriate dosage of PAM based on water quality?

How to choose the appropriate dosage of PAM based on water quality?

Consider water quality parameters: Adjust the dosage of PAM based on parameters such as BOD5, COD, SS, TS, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, pH value, etc. of the wastewater. For example, when there are many recalcitrant organic compounds in wastewater, it may be necessary to increase the amount of PAM used to improve flocculation efficiency.

Calculate dosage: Calculate the dosage based on the treated water volume and the recommended concentration of PAM agent. For example, if treating 1000 tons of wastewater and adding PAM at a concentration of 0.5%, the required amount of medication to be added is 5 kilograms.

Determine the dosage concentration: The dosage concentration of PAM is generally 0.1% -1%, and the specific concentration needs to be determined based on experimental results and treatment objectives. The dosage can be calculated using the following formula: dosage=dosing mass/treated water volume/dosing concentration.

Considering the properties of sludge: the moisture content of sludge, the moisture content of sludge cake, and the amount of sludge input can also affect the dosage of PAM. For example, when the moisture content of sludge is high, more PAM may be required to achieve the desired dewatering effect.

Adjust the dosing equipment: select the appropriate dosing pump flow rate based on the calculated dosing amount, and adjust the dosing amount according to the actual situation to achieve the best treatment effect.

Continuous monitoring and adjustment: In actual operation, continuously monitor changes in water quality and treatment effectiveness, and adjust the dosage of PAM as needed.

Through the above steps, the dosage of PAM can be reasonably selected and adjusted according to different water quality conditions and treatment needs to ensure water treatment effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.


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