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Selection parameters of metering pump in flocculant preparation system


1. Back pressure size

The back pressure refers to the pressure at the outlet of the metering pump; the back pressure at the outlet of the flocculant preparation system of the sewage treatment system is relatively small, and the dosing point is only 20-50Pa when the dosing point is in the open reaction pool; when dosing with a pipeline mixer, the pipeline pressure is The size of the back pressure; when the circulating water system is dosing, the pressure at the dosing point of the return water pipeline is the back pressure.

The selection pressure of the dosing metering pump must be greater than the back pressure before the drug can be injected into the system to be filled, which is generally about 10-20% greater than the back pressure.

2. Flow size

The flow rate of the dosing metering pump is determined to be the flow rate under back pressure, and many people do not notice this. When confirming the flow rate of the metering pump, the reverse method is generally used, that is, first confirm the amount of pure chemical to be added according to the property parameters of the water, then confirm the dilution ratio, and then calculate the working flow of the metering pump. The working flow generally accounts for 50% of the larger flow rate of the metering pump. -80%, leaving a margin is very beneficial to the debugging of the system and the fluctuation of water quality.

3. Pump head material

The materials of the pump head are commonly used PVC, PP, PTFE, PVDF, stainless steel. When selecting the type, consider whether the chemical properties of the agent are corrosive to the material and the size of the corrosive.

4. The viscosity of the agent or medium

The viscosity of the agent is different, especially the viscosity of the commonly used PAM\CPAM agent in the sewage system is relatively large, and the viscosity will affect the flow rate of measurement. It is better to leave 50% of the balance at this time.

5. The temperature of the agent or medium

Some medicines or media have temperature. At this time, the temperature resistance range of the pump head material and the heat dissipation of the metering pump must be considered.

6. Choose electromagnetic diaphragm pump or mechanical diaphragm pump

Electromagnetic diaphragm pumps are commonly used in systems with small flow and low back pressure. The flow is generally 3-10L/H. It is commonly used in pure water systems and small circulating water systems;

Selection parameters of metering pump in flocculant preparation system

Mechanical diaphragm metering pumps are commonly used in systems with relatively large flow or large back pressure, sewage systems and large circulating water systems.

Remember, the medicament with high viscosity must use a mechanical diaphragm pump, otherwise it will be too late!


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